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Thank you for your questions and comments. I'm so excited to be here.
Venita Louise
Mary Preston said...
Hi, It struck me reading through the excerpt, which I love by the way, how do you decide which excerpts to showcase from your works?
Mary, as far as excerpts, I love to pique the reader's interest. Readers need a reason to read a book but I also like to satisfy their interest by telling them the most exciting story I can tell.
Shona Lawrence said...
If you could only read one book/series for the rest of your life which would you choose and why?
Shona, if I absolutely had to read only one book/series for the rest of my life, it would have to be the works of Jack London. His life was so very rich with romance and adventure.
Yvette said...
How do you decide a cover? Are the characters in your mind first and then the cover comes or do you write and then do a cover? Whenever I read a book a also refer back to what the cover looks like so I can keep a picture of the characters in my mind. Yvette, yratpatrol@aol.com
Yvette, it is actually the Publisher who contracts an illustrator to design the cover. With a description of the characters, the setting and a synopsis of the book, the illustrator sets out to provide the author with their best idea. I was entitled to a few changes and I think I did request that Lang's eyes be changed from brown to blue. I love the vivid colors of this.
eye-catching cover.
What was your inspiration for the book? parisfan_ca@yahoo.com
Laurie, It was an episode of crop circles that I watched on the Discovery Channel that inspired this book.
I love all the places - would enjoy seeing all of them but especially the Lost City of the Incas. Who are some of your favorite authors?
Catslady, my apologies for not expanding my list with the mysterious places I would like to visit. The irrigation system is of particular interest to me. Evidence suggests that the system carried water from the holy spring to each of the housed. It's difficult to choose favorite authors with such a love of story telling. I would have to say, Jack London of course, Mark Twain, Erma Bombeck, Stephen King, Robert Fulghum, Robin Cook, J.K. Rowling to name a few.